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Dues & Donations

1 year Regular Lodge dues (Age 64 & Below)

1 year Regular Lodge dues (Age 65 - 69)

General Donations

Grand Lodge Assessment:

A one time Grand Lodge building assessment of $100.00 has been in effect since January 1, 2020, and all members (present, new, demitted, and reinstated) are obligated to pay. Life members (those who are 75 years of age and have 50 years of continuous service) will not be obligated, however they can contribute on their own free will.  You may choose a small increment and return later to make an additional payment, or you may select to pay the full amount.

Master Mason Pledge:

Select the Amount of the Pledge that you would like to contribute at this time.  You may choose a small increment and return later to make an additional payment, or you may select to pay the full amount.  Please remember that we have agreed to a $50 pledge per member. 

Thank you for your contributions!!!

Click on "Pay with Debit or Credit Card"after reaching payment site

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